Monday 9 January 2012

The best of 2011

These are my favorites that I read in 2011. Not so much published in 2011 just that I read. I don't want to give away too much of the book in my reviews because that's like opening a present already knowing what's in the box.

1. The Hunger Games 5 adventure/suspense Stars
There's just something about books that the author sets up an alternate world then the one we know. The story is basically about a teenager who is forced to compete in a competition that starts with 24 people and only the winner is left alive. This book was geared towards young adults but I know more grown adults who have read it and loved it all.

2. Murderer's Daughters 5 kleenex grabbing stars
Follows sisters over a 30 year span after the attempted murder suicide of their parents. The girls go from an orphange filled with neglect and hardships to being adults that use different methods to forget their tragic upbringing. Their father alive in prison is always there as a reminder of all he took from them. This one will break your heart.

3. The Weird Sisters 4 kleenex grabbing stars
This year must have been the year for me to read all about sisters:) Can you imagine a house growing up where your father spoke in Shakespear quotes all the time and who books became their life line to the world and never formed bonds amongst the 3 sisters. You'll for sure find one sister who you will bond with and another who you'd like to strangle as she'll remind you of one of your own.

4.War Horse 5 kleenex grabbing stars
The shortest book I read this year but the one that stole my heart the most. I have not yet seen the movie and I'm not really sure if I plan to as I believe my own imagination is just as good, if not better, then what Steven Speilberg could have come up with. The book is written from the horse's point of view and what a majestic loving view point it is.

5. Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close 5 kleenex grabbing stars
September 11th is forever a moment in all of our lives that we'll never forget.For Oskar Schell it's the day the 9 year old lost his dad. He's a brilliant, genius of a child (sent a letter to Steven Hawkings asking to be an assistant) who finds a key in his father's belongings which sends Oskar out on a fact finding quest to see where this key belongs. The people he meets and the stories he tells made me want to fly directly to New York City. Can't wait to see the movie.

6.Future of Us 4 suspense/what if stars
Facebook has changed the world as we know it. Some for the good such as seeing what your friends and family all across the world are up to and still allowing you to be a part of their lives no matter how far apart they are. Facebook is also one of the main reasons listed in divorces now. This is a young adult book that takes place in the early 90's. Emma gets a home computer that comes with a cd for American Online. Once plugged into the internet it takes her to a future webpage of Facebook and she sees what her life has become in the future.

7.Forest of Hands and Teeth 5 suspense stars
Another novel with an alternative world but this one is filled with zombies and small towns trying to still survive. I love books that have a strong female presence and this one is like a female on steriods. Don't be turned off by the zombies they do play a role in the book but this is not a scary book in any way. It's all about survival. This is a 3 book series.

8.Falling Together 4 friendship stars
A novel that allows you to see the quirks and love between 3 friends who will move the earth for each other well until they piss each other off at least. Who doesn't love a good friendship story?

9.Lost Memory of Skin 4 I can't believe I feel bad stars
I don't think there's a phrase such as registered sex offender that puts more fear into a community or into parents. I never thought that I would feel for one in anyway. This book takes you to a place you never thought you would go. You follow Kid who can not reside within 2500 feet from any place that children congregate which leaves very little options. He ends up living under a causeway in Florida and his story begins. Give it a try, you might surprise yourself.

10.Birth House 5 kleenex stars
Welcome to the Nova Scotia during the World War 1 years where traditional medical care and modern medical care begin a conflict into the care of women during pregnancy and labor. It's filled with humor, heart pulling strings and a heroine like no other.

11. First Day of the Rest of My Life An author with following and reading all of her stuff
Again a novel about sisters who must deal with a past they couldn't prevent or escape from. As someone who got to experiance the unbelievable love a grandmother can give this book touched me in all the right places. It's quirky, funny, so very sad and leaves you rooting for the sisters.

12. The Story Sisters 5 kleenex/suspens/hopeful stars BEST BOOK OF THE YEAR
When 3 sisters carry a secret that puts all of the burden and blame onto one of their small set of shoulders nothing good will come of it. Tragedy after tragedy finds this family and you can only hope that somewhere they find light at the end of their very dark days.

13. Autobiography of Mrs. Tom Thumb 5 stars in all categories
I really had no idea who Mr Tom Thumb was and had to google him to find out. What the book told me that even if you are only 32 inches tall you can still be a giant in life. This is a book of fiction based on Lavinia Warren. It's heart thumbing, thrilling, funny and just memorizing.

14.Turn of Mind 5 star thriller
Imagine your friend shows up at your back door covered in blood but being that she has Alzheimer's she can't tell you what happened. The book is seen through the eyes of Dr. Jennifer White as written in her journal. Some days are lucid and some are far from it.

15. What Alice Forgot 4 star romance/quirky/fun
Alice went to the gym madly in love and pregnant with her first child but after a fall she wakes up and finds that she's in the middle of a nasty divorce and a single mom of 3 kids and doesn't like who she's become.

16.All Different Kinds of Free 5 star story
Set in the 1800's Margaret Morgan is a free coloured woman who's peaceful life is over because of one mistake. This story is based on actual legal proceedings during this time. Never does Margaret lose her fight, her spirit or her honorable self in the story.

17. Before I go to Sleep 5 star thriller/suspense BEST BOOK OF 2011
Every day Christine wakes up not remembering anything about herself or her life and has to read various notes and photo albulms to remind her of who she is. One morning the book has a note that says "don't trust Ben" who is her husband. How do you not trust the only person in your life and what has he done to make him so untrustworthy?

18. The Center of Everything 5 star feel good
Poverty can change the course of your life in a heartbeat. Evelyn's life becomes a mess when her mom falls for her married boss, the car breaks down and an unplanned pregnancy is thrown into the mix. Evelyn knows her only way out is through education.

Will add more tomorrow:)

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